Malls and trade centers will be allowed to open next Monday, May 18. An official order by Health Minister Kiril Ananiev is expected later today.
The decision was made after PM Boyko Borissov had spoken to representatives of the large trade centers. Sport clubs and gyms are expected to open as well.
The government has been slowly opening different spaces and expanding allowed activities and businesses since the beginning of the month. After the state of emergency ended on May 13, the Council of Minister declared a state of epidemic emergency, which allowes the Minister of Health to continue to issue social distancing orders like before.
After malls, gyms and sport clubs open, the only spaces to remain in lockdown will be kindergartens, schools and entertainment halls. The National Chief Health Inspector and member of the coronavirus response team Dr. Angel Kunchev told bTV that a decision for kindergartens may be expected at the end of next week.
Cinemas and restaurants have also been allowed to partially open, while performance arts – theater, concerts, dance, etc. - may be held on open air stages.
Walks in parks are now also fully allowed, including sitting on benches, etc.
The PM Boyko Borissov’s decision to allow the malls to open came only four days after Health Minister Kiril Ananiev said that they will likely be the last to resume normal work.
Malls and trade centers were among the first to close entirely except for grocery stores, pharmacies, banks and insurance offices inside on March 13.
Meanwhile 38 new coronavirus infections were discovered over the past 24 hours, bringing the total amount of confirmed cases to 2138. The active cases are currently at 1491. 321 of those are in a hospital, 49 are in ICUs. 102 people with a coronavirus infection have died.
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