Нови израелски въздушни удари в събота отнеха живота на 10 души в Ивицата Газа. Така броят на жертвите на конфликта надхвърли 300 души.
Генералният секретар на ООН Бан Ки-мун ще се насочи към региона, за да подкрепи усилията за сключване на примирие. Новата мирна инициатива идва в 12-ия ден на израелската кампания срещу обсадената палестинска територия в най-кървавия конфликт за последните години. Същевременно еврейската държава възнамерява да активизира наземната си операция в Ивицата Газа.
Американският президент Барак Обама обяви, че Израел има право да се защити срещу ракетния обстрел от Газа, но призова да положи повече усилия в избягването на невинни жертви в операцията, отнела живота на много цивилни, сред които жени и деца.
Седем души са загинали при израелски въздушен удар в Ивицата Газа, нанесен тази сутрин. Цел на удара е била група хора пред джамия в южния град Хан Юнис, каза говорител на здравните власти. Трима от загиналите са членове на едно семейство. Сред убитите е и една жена.
С това броят на загиналите в 12-ия ден от началото на израелската операция в палестинската територия достига 306 души.
По-рано трима палестинци загинаха при израелски въздушен удар в южната част на Ивицата Газа. Тримата мъже, всички членове на едно семейство, на възраст 18, 32 и 38 години, са убити в Рафах, каза говорителят на здравните служби Ашраф ал Кудра.
Късно в петък осем членове на семейство са загинали в резултат на израелски танков обстрел в северната част на Ивицата Газа.
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Hamas Interior Ministry To Social Media Activists:
* Always Call The Dead 'Innocent Civilians'.
* Don't Post Photos Of Rockets Being Fired From Civilian Population Centers.
In light of the recent round of fighting in Gaza, Hamas spokesman of the Palestinian Police posted to the Gazan activists guidelines to social media for reporting events and discussing them with outsiders. These guidelines reveal the true nature of Hamas, trying to use civilians in its terror acts.
#StopHamas #IsraelUnderFire
This …
is the full transcript of the original post:
- A person who is killed or dies in the name of Allah should be described as a citizen of Gaza, Palestine, before discussing the place of his Jihad or his military rank!
- Don't forget to always add "innocent citizen", when describing the ones who were killed in the aggression against Gaza after the Israeli attacks.
- You should begin the coverage of the resistance (al-Muqawama) activities with: "In response to the evil Israeli attack", while ending it with: "X people died in the name of Allah in the Israeli operation since Israel has started its aggression against Gaza".
- You should always focus on the message: "the Israeli occupation's role is to attack; we in Palestine represent the response".
- Don't repeat the Israeli spokespersons rumors, especially the news which relates to the domestic front.
- Be careful of adopting the occupation's narrative. Always question it, refute it and deny it.
- Be careful of publishing pictures of rockets while they are being launched from the city center (Gaza) at Israel. These are excuses for attacking residents in the Gaza Strip.
- Don't publish or share pictures or videos which show rocket launching locations or resistance movements on the ground in Gaza.
- To the managers of Facebook news pages: don't publish close up pictures of masked people armed with heavy weaponry, in order to avoid your page being closed due to accusations of incitement of violence.
- You should focus your coverage on the following (message): "the homemade manufactured rockets launched by the Resistance are a natural response to the Israeli occupation's deliberate missile launches at civilians in the (West) Bank and Gaza."
- Keep documenting the time and place of incidents, because Israel claims that the activists are publishing old pictures as if it is happening right now in Palestine.
- It is possible to use archival pictures while mentioning it in the brochure or tweet. Be careful of publishing pictures from other regions, it will make you lose your credibility.
- Indicate the number of children and women martyred or injured in every report; it is possible to publish the pictures of the wounded.
You should leave some space for the followers so they can publish your tweet and add their responses. Act wisely and don't use all the 140 words.
- No matter your strength, do not tweet alone on twitter; join others and tweet with them, and to them. Palestine is an issue of the entire nation.
- People on social networks like to "cut to the chase". Don't write the entire message to your followers in one tweet, divide it into several tweets.
- When talking to a Western person, present a political, rational, realistic and convincing discussion; avoid an emotional discussion for asking favors.
- There are conscientious people in the world around us. We must reach them and get them to act for Palestine; they would be able to expose the Occupation's violations.
- Don't get into a political argument with a Western person in order to convince him that the Holocaust is a lie; compare the Israeli crimes against civilian Palestinians to the Holocaust.
- The Narrative of Life versus the Narrative of Blood: begin a talk with an Arab fellow with the number of martyrs; begin a talk with a Western fellow with the number of wounded and injured.
- Maintain the humanization of Palestinian suffering sights; try to present pictures of the suffering of civilians in Gaza and the (West) Bank, due to the acts of the Occupation and its bombing of villages and cities.
- Don't publish pictures of the military commanders, don't mention their names publicly and don't glorify their achievements during a conversation with foreigner friends!